Accounting and Economics
Accounting and Finance
Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Abingdon and Witney College)
Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Abingdon and Witney)
Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Solihull College and University Centre)
Animal Biology and Conservation
Animal Therapy and Rehabilitation (Abingdon and Witney College)
Animal Therapy and Rehabilitation (Top Up) (Abingdon and Witney College)
Anthropology/Communications, Media and Culture
Anthropology/History of Art
Anthropology/International Relations
Applied Languages
Applied Sports Science and Coaching (Bridgwater and Taunton College)
Artificial Intelligence
Automotive Engineering with Electric Vehicles
Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences (Genetics and Genomics)
Biological Sciences (Human Biosciences)
Biological Sciences (Zoology)
Biomedical Science
Building Surveying
Business and Enterprise (Activate Learning - City of Oxford College)
Business and Enterprise (Top-Up) (Activate Learning - City of Oxford College)
Business and Finance
Business and Law
Business and Management
Business and Management (Top-Up)
Business and Management Practice (Abingdon and Witney College)
Business and Management Practice (Solihull College and University Centre)
Business and Management Practice (Top-Up) (Abingdon and Witney College)
Business and Management Practice (Top-Up) (Solihull College - Blossomfield campus)
Business and Management Practice (Top-up) (Wiltshire College and University Centre - Chippenham Campus)
Business and Management Practice (Wiltshire College and University Centre, Chippenham Campus)
Business and Marketing Management
Business and Marketing Management (Top-Up)
Business Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Business Management and Geography
Business Management and International Relations
Communication, Media and Culture
Communication, Media and Culture/International Relations
Communication, Media and Culture/Politics
Communication, Media and Culture/Sociology
Computer Science
Computer Science for Cyber Security
Computing (Top-up) (Wiltshire College and University Centre - Chippenham Campus)
Computing (Wiltshire College and University Centre, Chippenham Campus)
Computing Foundation
Computing – Top Up
Construction Project Management
Creative Arts and Design Practice (Solihull College and University Centre)
Criminology and Law
Criminology/Education Studies
Criminology/English Literature
Criminology/International Relations
Digital and Technology Solutions (Wiltshire College and University Centre, Chippenham Campus)
Digital Media Production
Drama, Theatre and Acting
Early Childhood Studies
Early Childhood Studies (Abingdon and Witney College)
Early Childhood Studies (New College Swindon)
Early Childhood Studies (Solihull College and University Centre)
Early Childhood Studies (Top-Up) (Wiltshire College and University Centre, Trowbridge Campus)
Early Years (Abingdon and Witney College)
Early years (New College Swindon)
Early Years (Solihull College and University Centre)
Early Years (Wiltshire College and University Centre, Trowbridge Campus)
Economics, Finance and International Business
Economics, Politics and International Relations
Education and Lifelong Learning (Activate Learning - Bracknell and Wokingham College)
Education and Lifelong Learning (Activate Learning - City of Oxford College)
Education and Lifelong Learning (New College Swindon)
Education Studies
Education Studies/Sociology
Educational Practice (Activate Learning - City of Oxford College)
Educational Practice (New College Swindon)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Solihull College and University Centre)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Electronic Engineering (Top Up)
Engineering Foundation
English Language and Linguistics
English Language and Linguistics/Communication, Media and Culture
English Language and Linguistics/Education Studies
English Language and Linguistics/Japanese Studies
English Literature
English Literature with Creative Writing
English Literature/Anthropology
English Literature/Communication, Media and Culture
English Literature/Education Studies
English Literature/English Language and Linguistics
English Literature/History
English Literature/History of Art
English Literature/Philosophy
Equine Science
Equine Science and Thoroughbred Management
Events Management
Fine Art
Foundation Built Environment
Foundation in Business
Foundation in Humanities
Foundation in Law
Foundation in Mathematics
Furniture: Design and Make (Activate Learning - City of Oxford College)
Geography/International Relations
Graphic Design
Graphic Design (New College Swindon)
Health and Social Care (New College Swindon)
Health Care
History of Art
History of Art/Sociology
History/History of Art
History/International Relations
Illustration (New College Swindon)
Information Technology for Business
Information Technology for Business- Top Up
Interior Architecture
International Business Management
International Business Management (Top-Up)
International Foundation Arts, Humanities and Law
International Foundation Business and Technology
International Hospitality and Tourism Management
International Relations and Politics
International Relations/Philosophy
International Relations/Sociology
Japanese Studies
Japanese Studies/History
Japanese Studies/International Relations
Law with Business
Law with Criminology
Liberal Arts
Life Sciences Foundation
Manufacturing Engineering (New College Swindon)
Manufacturing Engineering (Solihull College and University Centre)
Marketing and Events Management
Marketing Communications Management
Marketing Management
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (Solihull College and University Centre)
Mechanical Engineering Design
Mechanical Engineering Design (Solihull College and University Centre)
Media, Journalism and Publishing
Medical Science
Motorsport Engineering
Motorsport Engineering (Bridgwater and Taunton College)
Motorsport Engineering (Brooklands College)
Motorsport Engineering (Wiltshire College and University Centre, Castle Combe Race Circuit)
Motorsport Technology
Motorsport Technology (Bridgwater and Taunton College)
Motorsport Technology (Brooklands College)
Motorsport Technology (Top-up) (Wiltshire College and University Centre - Castle Coombe Campus)
Nursing (Adult and Mental Health)
Nursing (Adult)
Nursing (Adult) (Swindon Campus)
Nursing (Children's)
Nursing (Mental Health)
Occupational Therapy
Paramedic Science
Physical Activity and Health Promotion
Primary Teacher Education (Campus-based)
Professional Business and Management Practice (Wiltshire College and University Centre)
Property Development and Planning
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
Real Estate
Social Anthropology
Social Work
Social Work (Wiltshire College and University Centre - Trowbridge Campus)
Sport and Exercise Science
Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
Sports Coaching, Fitness and Rehabilitation (Activate Learning - City of Oxford College)
Sports Science with Sports Coaching Education (Bridgwater and Taunton College)
Sports Science, Fitness and Coaching (Solihull College and University Centre)
Urban Design, Planning and Development
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