Accounting with Placement Year
Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar
Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar: Statws Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar
Business Management with Placement Year
Celtic Studies
Drama Gymhwysol: Addysg, Lles a Chymuned
Early Years Education and Care
Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar: Statws Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar (2 Year)
Addysg Gorfforol
Celtic Studies with Foundation Year
CertHE Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Computing) (STEM)
CertHE Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Electronics)
Chemistry (Secondary PGCE)
Music (Secondary PGCE)
Musical Theatre
Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC
Adventure Filmmaking
Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status (2 Years)
Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status
Chinese Studies
Chinese Studies and Anthropology
Chinese Studies and English
Nursing Studies and Health
Ancient and Medieval History
Education Studies
Education Studies: Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion
Education Studies: Primary
Chinese Studies and Heritage
Chinese Studies and History
Chinese Studies and Medieval Studies
Nursing Studies and Professional Healthcare
Outdoor Adventure Education
Perfformio Lleisiol
Personal Training and Sport Massage
Ancient Civilisations
Ancient Civilisations with Foundation Year
Chinese Studies and Philosophy
Chinese Studies and Religious Studies
Philosophy and Anthropology
Philosophy and History
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Chinese Studies with Foundation Year
Civil Engineering
Philosophy and Medieval Studies
Philosophy with Foundation Year
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year
Embedded Electronic Systems
Ancient History
Animation and VFX
Energy and Environmental Engineering
Energy and Environmental Engineering (4 year programme)
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics with Foundation Year
Photography in the Arts (Swansea College of Art)
Physical Education
Physics (Secondary PGCE)
Policing Profession
Primary (PGCE)
Primary Education with QTS
Classical Civilisation
Classical Civilisation and Archaeology
Anthropology and Classical Civilisation
English (Secondary PGCE)
English and Classical Civilisation
Classical Civilisation and Creative Writing
Classical Civilisation and Heritage
Classical Civilisation and Philosophy
Classical Civilisation and Theology
English and Heritage
English with Education Studies
Anthropology and Heritage
Anthropology and History
Classical Civilisation with Ancient Egyptian Culture
Classical Civilisation with Foundation Year
Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
Events and International Festivals Management
Film and TV (Swansea College of Art)
Anthropology and International Development
Anthropology and Medieval Studies
Cloud Computing
Fine Art: Studio Site and Context (Swansea College of Art)
Geography (Secondary PGCE)
Product and Furniture Design (Swansea College of Art)
Anthropology and Religious Studies
Anthropology with Foundation Year
Cloud Computing with Foundation Year
Graphic Design (Swansea College of Art)
Gwaith gyda Phobl Ifanc
Professional Policing
Professional Skills for Construction
Psychology and Counselling
Public Services and Social Innovation
Applied Business (Entrepreneurship)
Applied Business (Management)
Cloud Software Development
Gwaith gyda Phobl Ifanc gyda Blwyddyn Sylfaen
Gwaith Ieuenctid ac Addysg Gymdeithasol (Ardystiad ETS)
Gwaith Ieuenctid ac Addysg Gymdeithasol gyda Blwyddyn Sylfaen (Ardystiad ETS)
Health & Social Care
Health and Care Management
Health and Care of Children and Young People
Quantity Surveying
Applied Business (Marketing)
Applied Computing
Cloud Software Development with Foundation Year
Commercial Dance
Computer Games Design
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
Applied Computing with Foundation Year
Applied Drama: Education, Wellbeing, Community
Health and Social Care
Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle
Religious Education (Secondary PGCE)
Religious Studies
Applied Psychology
Heritage and Philosophy
Computing (Computer Networks & Cyber Security) with Foundation Year
Computing (Computer Networks and Cyber Security)
Computing (Data & Information Systems) with Foundation Year
Computing (Data and Information Systems)
Religious Studies and Philosophy
Religious Studies and Theology
Archaeology and Anthropology
Archaeology and History
Computing (Games Development)
Heritage and Religious Studies
Heritage and Theology
Religious Studies and Theology with Foundation Year
Religious Studies with Foundation Year
Rural Enterprise Management
Heritage with Foundation Year
Archaeology and Medieval Studies
Archaeology with Ancient Egyptian Culture
Computing (Games Development) with Foundation Year
Computing (Software Engineering)
Computing (Software Engineering) with Foundation Year
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Automotive Engineering) (STEM)
History (Secondary PGCE)
History and English
Archaeology with Foundation Year
Architectural & Stained Glass (Swansea College of Art)
Computing (Web Development)
Computing (Web Development) with Foundation Year
Conflict and War
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Built) (STEM)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Environmental) (STEM)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Manufacturing) (STEM)
Set Design (Swansea College of Art)
History and Heritage
History and Theology
History with Economics
Architectural and Stained Glass (Swansea College of Art)
Architectural Technology
Conflict and War with Foundation Year
Conflict, War and Society
Skills for Electronics
History with Foundation Year
Illustration (Swansea College of Art)
Conflict, War and Society with Foundation Year
Construction Management
Creative Advertising (Swansea College of Art)
Creative Music Technology (Swansea College of Art)
Skills for Engineering
Skills for the Workplace
Social Enterprise Management
Social Studies
Sport and Exercise Science
Information Technology (Secondary PGCE)
Art (Secondary PGCE)
Art and Design Foundation (Swansea College of Art)
Creative Writing
International Business Management
International Development and Global Politics
International Development and Global Politics with Foundation Year
Sport and Exercise Science (Sport Nutrition)
Sport and Exercise Therapy
Astudiaethau Addysg
Astudiaethau Addysg: Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a Chynhwysiant
Astudiaethau Addysg: Cynradd
Creative Writing and English
Creative Writing and Heritage
International Development and Philosophy
International Development and Religious Studies
International Finance
International Hotel Management
International Hotel Management with Placement Year
International Leisure Resort Management
Sports Management
Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol
Automotive & Transport Design (Swansea College of Art)
Creative Writing and History
Creative Writing and Philosophy
International Sports Management
International Sports Management with Placement Year
International Travel and Tourism Management
Islam in the 21st Century
Law and Business
Sports Management with Placement Year
Surface Pattern and Textiles (Swansea College of Art)
Surface Pattern and Textiles – Fashion (Swansea College of Art)
Automotive & Transport Design with Placement Year (Swansea College of Art)
Creative Writing with Foundation Year
Criminology and Policing
Law and Criminology
Law and Legal Practice
Law and Policing
Surface Pattern and Textiles – Interiors (Swansea College of Art)
Surface Pattern and Textiles – Maker (Swansea College of Art)
Automotive Engineering
Cymraeg (TAR Uwchradd)
Law and Public Services
Liberal Arts
Liberal Arts with Distance Foundation Year
Liberal Arts with Foundation Year
Theatre Design & Production
Theology and Philosophy
Managing Retail For Growth
Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Mathematics (Secondary PGCE)
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (4 year programme)
Automotive Engineering with Foundation Year
Bible and Theology
Bible and Theology with Foundation Year
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (4 year programme)
Cynradd (TAR)
Design & Technology (Secondary PGCE)
Tourism Management
Biology (Secondary PGCE)
Building Surveying
Mechatronics Engineering
Medieval Studies
Medieval Studies and Classical Civilisation
Medieval Studies and English
Design Crafts (Swansea College of Art)
Medieval Studies and Heritage
Medieval Studies with Foundation Year
Mental Health
Business (Secondary PGCE)
Travel, Tourism and Leisure Management
UK Tourism Management
Understanding Mental Health
Vocal Performance
Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Community Sport)
Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)
Digital Skills
Documentary Photography and Visual Activism (Swansea College of Art)
ML: French (Secondary PGCE)
ML: French with German (Secondary PGCE)
Business and Management
Work with Young People
Work with Young People with Foundation Year
Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)
Drama (Secondary PGCE)
ML: French with Spanish (Secondary PGCE)
ML: German with French (Secondary PGCE)
Business Management
Youth Work and Social Education with Foundation Year (ETS Endorsed)
ML: Spanish with French (Secondary PGCE)
Motorcycle Engineering
Motorcycle Engineering (4-year programme)
Motorsport Engineering
Motorsport Engineering (4 year programme)
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