Course Summary

Darperir y cwrs BA Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC yng Nghaerfyrddin gan Ganolfan Addysg Athrawon De Orllewin Cymru. Mae’n canolbwyntio ar astudiaeth broffesiynol o holl amrediad addysg gynradd. Mae’r rhaglen wedi’i chynllunio yn y fath fodd i addysgu a hyfforddi athrawon ar gyfer ysgolion Cymru a thu hwnt ond gan roi sylw penodol i gyd-destun ieithyddol a blaenoriaethau addysg yng Nghymru.

Course Details - Modules

Mae’r ddarpariaeth brifysgol-seiliedig yn cynnwys modylau a gynlluniwyd er mwyn darparu dealltwriaeth eang o heriau a phleserau addysgu yn y 21ain ganrif. Enillir dealltwriaeth o amrywiaeth eang o agweddau ar waith ar draws yr ystod oed a’r cwricwlwm cynradd. O fewn y rhaglen mae pwyslais cryf ar TGCh a’r modd y dylai honno gefnogi dysgu mewn meysydd eraill o’r cwricwlwm.

Course Details – Assessment Method

Assessment Methods are not listed for this Course.

Course Details – Professional Bodies

Professional Bodies are not listed for this Course.

How to Apply

26 January This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.

Application Codes

Course code: X123

Institution code: T80

Campus Name: Carmarthen Campus

Campus code:

Points of Entry

The following entry points are available for this course:

Year 1

Entry Requirements for Advanced Entry (Year 2 and Beyond)

Entry Requirements for Advanced Entry are not listed for this Course.

International applicants

Standard Qualification Requirements

Please click the following link to find out more about qualification requirements for this course

Minimum Qualification Requirements

Minimum Further Information are not listed for this Course.

English language requirements

Test Grade AdditionalDetails
English Language Entry Requirement Information are not listed for this Course.

Unistats information

Student satisfaction : 78%

Employment after 15 months (Most common jobs): 0%

Go onto work and study: 0%

Fees and funding

EU 9000.0 Year 1
England 9000.0 Year 1
Northern Ireland 9000.0 Year 1
Scotland 9000.0 Year 1
Wales 9000.0 Year 1
Channel Islands 9000.0 Year 1
International 13500.0 Year 1

Additional Fee Information

Additional Fee Information are not listed for this Course.

Provider information

College Road
Address2 are not listed for this Course.
Address3 are not listed for this Course.
SA31 3EP

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