Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Finance with a Year in Industry
Actuarial Mathematics
Actuarial Mathematics with a Year Abroad
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering (4 years)
Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (4 years)
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies with a Year in Industry
Anatomy and Human Biology
Ancient History
Ancient History and Archaeology
Ancient History with French
Ancient History with German
Ancient History with Italian
Ancient History with Portuguese
Ancient History with Spanish
Archaeology (Arts)
Archaeology (Science)
Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations
Archaeology with Basque
Archaeology with Catalan
Archaeology with Chinese
Archaeology with French
Archaeology with German
Archaeology with Italian
Archaeology with Portuguese
Archaeology with Spanish
Architectural Engineering
Astrophysics with a Year Abroad
Avionic Systems
Avionic Systems (4 years)
Avionic Systems with a Year Abroad
Avionic Systems with a Year in Industry
Biological and Medical Sciences (deferred final choice options)
Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences Foundation (1+3)
Bioveterinary Science
Business Economics
Business Economics with a Year in Industry
Business Management
Business Management with a Year in Industry
Business Studies and French
Business Studies and German
Business Studies and Hispanic Studies
Business Studies and Italian
Business with Basque
Business with Catalan
Business with Chinese
Business with French
Business with German
Business with Italian
Business with Portuguese
Business with Spanish
Chemical Sciences (Foundation) (1+3)
Chemistry for Sustainable Energy
Chemistry for Sustainable Energy with a Year Abroad
Chemistry with a Year Abroad
Chemistry with a Year in Industry
Chemistry with Research in Industry
Chinese Studies and Ancient History
Chinese Studies and Archaeology
Chinese Studies and Business
Chinese Studies and Classical Studies
Chinese Studies and Classics
Chinese Studies and Communication and Media
Chinese Studies and Criminology
Chinese Studies and Economics
Chinese Studies and Egyptology
Chinese Studies and English
Chinese Studies and English Language
Chinese Studies and English Literature
Chinese Studies and Film Studies
Chinese Studies and French
Chinese Studies and German
Chinese Studies and Hispanic Studies
Chinese Studies and History
Chinese Studies and International Relations
Chinese Studies and Irish Studies
Chinese Studies and Italian Studies
Chinese Studies and Law
Chinese Studies and Music
Chinese Studies and Music Technology
Chinese Studies and Philosophy
Chinese Studies and Politics
Chinese Studies and Popular Music
Chinese Studies and Social Policy
Chinese Studies and Sociology
Civil and Structural Engineering (4 years)
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry
Classical Studies
Classical Studies and Archaeology
Classical Studies with Basque
Classical Studies with Catalan
Classical Studies with Chinese
Classical Studies with French
Classical Studies with German
Classical Studies with Italian
Classical Studies with Portuguese
Classical Studies with Spanish
Classics and Archaeology
Classics with Basque
Classics with Catalan
Classics with Chinese
Classics with French
Classics with German
Classics with Italian
Classics with Portuguese
Classics with Spanish
Climate Science
Communication and Business Studies
Communication and Media
Communication and Media and Game Design Studies
Communication and Media and Italian
Communication and Media with a Year in Industry
Communication and Media with Basque
Communication and Media with Catalan
Communication and Media with Chinese
Communication and Media with French
Communication and Media with Game Design Studies
Communication and Media with German
Communication and Media with Italian
Communication and Media with Portuguese
Communication and Media with Spanish
Communication, Media and Popular Music
Computer Science
Computer Science (Foundation) (1+3)
Computer Science (with a Year in Industry)
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (4 years)
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry
Computer Science with a Year in Industry
Computer Science with Software Development
Computer Science with Software Development with a Year in Industry
Criminology and Sociology
Criminology with Basque
Criminology with Catalan
Criminology with Chinese
Criminology with French
Criminology with German
Criminology with Italian
Criminology with Portuguese
Criminology with Social Policy
Criminology with Sociology
Criminology with Spanish
Dental Surgery
Dental Therapy
Diagnostic Radiography
Earth Sciences (Foundation) (1+3)
Economics with a Year in Industry
Economics with Basque
Economics with Catalan
Economics with Chinese
Economics with French
Economics with German
Economics with Italian
Economics with Portuguese
Economics with Spanish
Egyptology and Ancient History
Egyptology and Archaeology
Egyptology and Classics
Egyptology with Basque
Egyptology with Catalan
Egyptology with Chinese
Egyptology with French
Egyptology with German
Egyptology with Italian
Egyptology with Portuguese
Egyptology with Spanish
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad
Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Electrical Engineering and Electronics (4 years)
Electrical Engineering and Electronics with a Year in Industry
Engineering (4 years)
Engineering Foundation
English and Business Studies
English and Classical Studies
English and Communication and Media
English and French
English and Game Design Studies
English and German
English and Hispanic Studies
English and History
English and Philosophy
English Language
English Language and Communication and Media
English Language and French
English Language and Game Design Studies
English Language and German
English Language and Hispanic Studies
English Language and Italian Studies
English Literature
English Literature and Communication and Media
English Literature and French
English Literature and Game Design Studies
English Literature and German
English Literature and Hispanic Studies
English Literature and History
English Literature and Italian Studies
English Literature and Philosophy
English with Basque
English with Catalan
English with Chinese
English with French
English with Game Design Studies
English with German
English with Italian
English with Portuguese
English with Spanish
Environment and Planning
Environmental Geoscience
Environmental Science
Evolutionary Anthropology
Film Studies
Film Studies and Communication and Media
Film Studies and English
Film Studies with Basque
Film Studies with Catalan
Film Studies with Chinese
Film Studies with French
Film Studies with German
Film Studies with Italian
Film Studies with Portuguese
Film Studies with Spanish
Financial Computing
Financial Computing with a Year in Industry
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Dental Therapy) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Dentistry) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Diagnostic Radiography) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Medicine) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Nursing) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Occupational Therapy) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Orthoptics) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Physiotherapy) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Radiotherapy) (Year 0)
Foundation to Health and Veterinary Studies (Veterinary Science) (Year 0)
French and Ancient History
French and Archaeology
French and Classical Studies
French and Classics
French and Communication and Media
French and Criminology
French and Economics
French and Egyptology
French and Film Studies
French and German
French and Hispanic Studies
French and Italian
French and Mathematics
French with Basque
French with Catalan
French with Chinese
French with German
French with Italian
French with Portuguese
French with Spanish
Game Design
Geography (Foundation) (1+3)
Geography (Science)
Geography and Oceanography
Geography and Planning
Geology and Geophysics
Geology with Physical Geography
Geophysics (Geology)
Geophysics (Physics)
German and Ancient History
German and Archaeology
German and Classical Studies
German and Classics
German and Communication and Media
German and Criminology
German and Economics
German and Egyptology
German and Film Studies
German and Hispanic Studies
German and Italian
German with Basque
German with Catalan
German with Chinese
German with French
German with Italian
German with Portuguese
German with Spanish
Hispanic Studies (Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin American Studies)
Hispanic Studies and Ancient History
Hispanic Studies and Archaeology
Hispanic Studies and Classical Studies
Hispanic Studies and Classics
Hispanic Studies and Communication and Media
Hispanic Studies and Criminology
Hispanic Studies and Economics
Hispanic Studies and Egyptology
Hispanic Studies and Film Studies
Hispanic Studies and Italian
Hispanic Studies with Chinese
Hispanic Studies with French
Hispanic Studies with German
Hispanic Studies with Italian
History and Ancient History
History and Archaeology
History and Criminology
History and Film Studies
History and French
History and German
History and Hispanic Studies
History and Italian
History and Politics
History with Basque
History with Catalan
History with Chinese
History with French
History with German
History with Italian
History with Portuguese
History with Spanish
Industrial Design
International Business
International Business with a Year in Industry
International Relations
International Relations and French
International Relations and German
International Relations and Hispanic Studies
International Relations with Basque
International Relations with Catalan
International Relations with Chinese
International Relations with French
International Relations with German
International Relations with Italian
International Relations with Portuguese
International Relations with Spanish
Irish Studies
Irish Studies and French
Irish Studies and German
Irish Studies and Hispanic Studies
Irish Studies with Basque
Irish Studies with Catalan
Irish Studies with Chinese
Irish Studies with French
Irish Studies with German
Irish Studies with Italian
Irish Studies with Portuguese
Irish Studies with Spanish
Italian and Ancient History
Italian and Archaeology
Italian and Classical Studies
Italian and Classics
Italian and Criminology
Italian and Economics
Italian and Egyptology
Italian and English
Italian and Film Studies
Italian and International Relations
Italian and Irish Studies
Italian with Basque
Italian with Catalan
Italian with Chinese
Italian with French
Italian with German
Italian with Portuguese
Italian with Spanish
Law and Business Studies
Law and Criminology
Law and French
Law and German
Law and Hispanic Studies
Law and International Relations
Law and Italian
Law with a Year Abroad
Law with Accounting and Finance
Law with Basque
Law with Business
Law with Catalan
Law with Chinese
Law with Criminology
Law with French
Law with German
Law with Italian
Law with Philosophy
Law with Politics
Law with Portuguese
Law with Spanish
Marine Biology
Marine Biology with Oceanography
Marketing with a Year in Industry
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics with a Year Abroad
Mathematical Sciences (Foundation) (1+3)
Mathematics and Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science with a Year in Industry
Mathematics and Economics
Mathematics and Music Technology
Mathematics and Philosophy
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics with a Year Abroad
Mathematics with a Year Abroad
Mathematics with Finance
Mathematics with Finance with a Year Abroad
Mathematics with Languages
Mathematics with Ocean and Climate Sciences
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (4 years)
Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems (4 years)
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems with a Year Abroad
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems with a Year in Industry
Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry with a Year Abroad
Medicinal Chemistry with Pharmacology
Medicinal Chemistry with Pharmacology with a Year Abroad
Modern Languages (Triple Subject)
Music and Film Studies
Music and French
Music and Game Design Studies
Music and German
Music and Hispanic Studies
Music and History
Music and Italian
Music and Technology
Music and Technology with Basque
Music and Technology with Catalan
Music and Technology with Chinese
Music and Technology with French
Music and Technology with German
Music and Technology with Italian
Music and Technology with Portuguese
Music and Technology with Spanish
Music Technology and French
Music Technology and Game Design Studies
Music Technology and German
Music Technology and Hispanic Studies
Music Technology and Italian
Music Technology with Game Design Studies
Music with Basque
Music with Catalan
Music with Chinese
Music with French
Music with Game Design Studies
Music with German
Music with Italian
Music with Portuguese
Music with Spanish
Music/Popular Music
Occupational Therapy
Ocean Sciences
Philosophy and French
Philosophy and Game Design Studies
Philosophy and German
Philosophy and Hispanic Studies
Philosophy and History
Philosophy and Italian
Philosophy and Politics
Philosophy with Basque
Philosophy with Catalan
Philosophy with Chinese
Philosophy with French
Philosophy with Game Design Studies
Philosophy with German
Philosophy with Italian
Philosophy with Portuguese
Philosophy with Spanish
Philosophy, Politics and Economics with a Year in Industry
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
Physical Sciences (Foundation) (1+3)
Physics (4 years)
Physics and Mathematics
Physics and Mathematics with a Year Abroad
Physics with a Year Abroad
Physics with Astronomy
Physics with Astronomy with a Year Abroad
Physics with Medical Applications
Physics with Medical Applications with a Year Abroad
Physics with Nuclear Science
Physics with Nuclear Science with a Year Abroad
Politics and Communication Studies
Politics and Criminology
Politics and Economics
Politics and Film Studies
Politics and French
Politics and German
Politics and Hispanic Studies
Politics and International Business
Politics and Italian
Politics with Basque
Politics with Catalan
Politics with Chinese
Politics with French
Politics with German
Politics with Italian
Politics with Portuguese
Politics with Spanish
Popular Music
Popular Music and French
Popular Music and Game Design Studies
Popular Music and German
Popular Music and Hispanic Studies
Popular Music and Italian
Popular Music with Basque
Popular Music with Catalan
Popular Music with Chinese
Popular Music with French
Popular Music with Game Design Studies
Popular Music with German
Popular Music with Italian
Popular Music with Portuguese
Popular Music with Spanish
Product Design Engineering
Product Design Engineering with a Year in Industry
Psychological Sciences
Psychology (2+2 programme with Foundation Element)
Social Policy and Criminology
Social Policy and French
Social Policy and German
Social Policy and Hispanic Studies
Social Policy and Italian
Sociology and Business Studies
Sociology and English
Sociology and French
Sociology and German
Sociology and Hispanic Studies
Sociology and History
Sociology and Italian
Sociology and Philosophy
Sociology and Politics
Sociology and Social Policy
Sociology with Basque
Sociology with Catalan
Sociology with Chinese
Sociology with Criminology
Sociology with French
Sociology with German
Sociology with Italian
Sociology with Portuguese
Sociology with Social Policy
Sociology with Spanish
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics with a Year Abroad
Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology
Town and Regional Planning
Urban Planning
Veterinary Science
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