Business Economics with a European Language (German)
Business Economics with a European Language (Spanish)
Accounting and Finance
Cymraeg a Sbaeneg
Cymraeg a'r Gweithle Proffesiynol
Business Economics with a Professional Placement Year
Business Management
Accounting and Finance with a Professional Placement Year
Accounting with a Professional Placement Year
Cymraeg ac Addysg
Cymraeg ac Athroniaeth
Business Management (Human Resource Management)
Business Management (Human Resource Management) with a Professional Placement Year
Ancient and Medieval History
Ancient History
Business Management (International Management)
Business Management (International Management) with a Professional Placement Year
Cymraeg ac Iaith Saesneg
Cymraeg ag Eidaleg
German and Economics (4 years)
Ancient History and History
Applied Software Engineering
Business Management (Logistics and Operations)
Business Management (Logistics and Operations) with a Professional Placement Year
Mechanical Engineering (Year in Industry)
Portuguese and Spanish
Dental Hygiene
Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene
German and English Literature (4 years)
German and Italian (4 years)
Business Management (Marketing)
Business Management (Marketing) with a Professional Placement
Psychology with Professional Placement
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging
Archaeology and Ancient History (Integrated)
Archaeology and History
Business Management with a European Language (French)
Business Management with a European Language (German)
Religion and Theology
Religious Studies and Philosophy
German and Japanese (4 years)
German and Music (4 years)
Economics and Finance
Architectural Engineering
Business Management with a European Language (Spanish)
Business Management with a Professional Placement Year
German and Politics (4 years)
German and Spanish (4 years)
Rheoli Busnes a Chymraeg gyda Blwyddyn o Leoliad Proffesiynol
Rheoli Busnes gyda’r Gymraeg
Economics and Finance with a Professional Placement Year
Economics and Management Studies
Business Studies and Japanese
Architectural Engineering (International)
Architectural Engineering (International) (Year in Industry)
History and Economics
Economics and Management Studies with a Professional Placement Year
Economics with a European Language (French)
Social Analytics
Social Science
Chemistry with a Placement year Abroad
Economics with a European Language (German)
Economics with a European Language (Spanish)
Social Work (Postgraduate Entry)
Human and Social Sciences
Human Geography
Architectural Engineering (Year in Industry)
Economics with a Professional Placement Year
Sociology and Education
Sociology and Social Policy
Chemistry with a Placement Year Abroad
Chemistry with a Preliminary Year
Architectural Engineering with Year in Europe (France)
Architectural Engineering with Year in Europe (Germany)
Human Geography and Planning
Human Geography and Planning with a Professional Placement Year (Accredited)
Spanish and Economics (4 years)
Electrical & Electronic Engineering (International)
Electrical & Electronic Engineering (International) Year in Industry
Chemistry with a Year in Industry
Architectural Engineering with Year in Europe (Spain)
Human Geography with a Professional Placement Year
Integrated Engineering
Spanish and English Literature (4 years)
Spanish and Japanese (4 years)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering (International) Year in Industry
Integrated Engineering (International)
Banking and Finance
Banking and Finance with a European Language (French)
Spanish and Philosophy (4 years)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Year in Industry)
Urban Planning and Development
Urban Planning and Development with a Professional Placement Year
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Banking and Finance with a European Language (German)
Banking and Finance with a European Language (Spanish)
Y Gyfraith a'r Gymraeg
Engineering with Foundation Year
English Language
Integrated Engineering (International) with a Year in Industry
Integrated Engineering (with a year in industry)
Banking and Finance with a Professional Placement Year
Civil and Environmental Engineering (International)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (Year in Industry)
English Language and French (4 years)
English Language and German (4 years)
Integrated Engineering with a Year in Europe (Germany)
Biochemistry (including Year in Professional Training)
Civil and Environmental Engineering with Year in Europe (Germany)
English Language and Italian (4 years)
English Language and Linguistics
Integrated Engineering with a year in Europe (Spain)
Integrated Engineering with Year in Europe (France)
Biochemistry with Professional Training Year
Biological Sciences
Civil and Environmental Engineering with Year in Europe (Spain)
Civil and Environmental Engineering Year in Europe (France)
English Language and Literature
English Language and Philosophy
International Relations
International Relations and Politics
Biological Sciences (including Professional Training Year)
Civil Engineering
English Language and Spanish (4 years)
English Literature
International Relations and Politics (with a language)
English Literature and Creative Writing
English Literature and History
Biological Sciences (Zoology)
Biological Sciences (Zoology) with Professional Training Year
Italian and Economics (4 years)
Italian and English Literature (4 years)
Civil Engineering (International)
Civil Engineering (International) Year in Industry
English Literature and Philosophy
Environmental Geography
Italian and Japanese (4 years)
Italian and Music (4 years)
Biological Sciences with Professional Training year
Biomedical Science (Including Professional Training Year)
Civil Engineering (Year in Industry)
Environmental Geography with a Year of Study Abroad
Italian and Philosophy (4 years)
Italian and Politics (4 years)
Biomedical Sciences
Civil Engineering with Year in Europe (France)
Civil Engineering with Year in Europe (Germany)
Environmental Geoscience
Italian and Spanish (4 years)
Journalism and Communications
Biomedical Sciences with Professional Training
Business Economics
Civil Engineering with Year in Europe (Spain)
Computer Science
Environmental Geoscience with a Year of Study Abroad
Environmental Sustainability Science
Journalism, Communications and Politics
Journalism, Media and English Literature
Business Economics with a European Language (French)
Computer Science (Year in Industry)
Exploration Geology
Journalism, Media and Sociology
Computer Science with a year in Industry
Computer Science with a Year of Study Abroad
Exploration Geology with a Year of Study Abroad
Financial Mathematics
Law and Criminology (Integrated)
Law and French (Integrated)
Computer Science with a year of Study Abroad
Computer Science with Security and Forensics
Financial Mathematics with a Professional Placement Year
Financial Mathematics with a Year Abroad
Law and Politics (Integrated)
Marine Geography
French and Economics (4 years)
Marine Geography with a Year of Study Abroad
Computer Science with Security and Forensics (Year in Industry)
Computer Science with Security and Forensics with a Year of Study Abroad
French and English Literature (4 years)
French and German (4 years)
Conservation of Objects in Museums and Archaeology
French and Italian (4 years)
French and Japanese (4 years)
Mathematics and Music
Mathematics and Music with a Year Abroad
Criminology and Social Policy
Criminology and Sociology
French and Music (4 years)
French and Philosophy (4 years)
Mathematics Operational Research and Statistics with a Year Abroad
Mathematics with a Professional Placement Year
Cymraeg a Cherddoriaeth
French and Politics (4 years)
French and Spanish (4 years)
Mathematics with a Year Abroad
Cymraeg a Ffrangeg
Cymraeg a Gwleidyddiaeth
Mathematics with Professional Placement
Mathematics, Operational Research & Statistics with Professional Placement
Cymraeg a Hanes
Cymraeg a Llenyddiaeth Saesneg
Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics
Cymraeg a Newyddiaduraeth
Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics with a Professional Placement Year
Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics with a Year of Study Abroad
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (International)
Mechanical Engineering (International) Year in Industry
Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Europe (France)
Mechanical Engineering with Year in Europe (Germany)
Mechanical Engineering with Year in Europe (Spain)
Media and Communications
Media, Journalism and Culture
Medical Engineering
Medical Engineering (International)
Medical Engineering (International) Year in Industry
Medical Engineering (Year in Industry)
Medical Pharmacology
Medicine (Graduate Entry)
Medicine North Wales
Modern Chinese
Modern History and Politics (Integrated)
Modern Languages and Translation
Music and English Literature
Music and Philosophy
Music with a Year of Study Abroad
Neuroscience including Professional Training Year
Neuroscience with Professional Training Year
Nursing (Adult)
Nursing (Adult) Spring Intake
Nursing (Child)
Nursing (Mental Health)
Nursing (Mental Health) Spring Intake
Occupational Therapy
Optometry with a Preliminary Year (4 years)
Philosophy and Economics
Philosophy and History
Physical Geography
Physical Geography with a Year of Study Abroad
Physics (with Professional Placement)
Physics with Astronomy
Physics with Astronomy (with Professional Placement)
Physics with Medical Physics
Politics and Economics
Politics and Philosophy
Politics and Sociology
Politics and Spanish (4 years)
Portuguese and French
Portuguese and German
Portuguese and Italian
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