You can apply for training if you're working in social care, for example as a deputy manager.
It's recommended that you start the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People's Services within 3 months of taking up your job. You'll need to complete it within 2 to 3 years.
There are 6 pathways to choose from, which are:
- Management of Adult Services
- Management of Adult Residential Services
- Practice in Adult Services
- Management of Children and Young People's Services
- Management of Children and Young People's Residential Services
- Practice in Children and Young People's Services
The previous qualifications required to work as a care home manager are still valid if you have them but are no longer available to study. Your employer will now support you to do the Level 5 Diploma.
You'll be expected to already have qualifications relevant to the care services your home provides, for example:
- NVQ Level 4 in Health and Social Care
- nursing, physiotherapy or occupational therapy qualification and registration
- social work qualification and registration
Check the Skills for Care advice on meeting workforce regulations for more details.