Airline Pilot

Airline pilots fly passengers and cargo to destinations around the world.

Typical Salary

£35,000 To £110,000

Typical Hours

39 to 41 a week
evenings / weekends / bank holidays on shifts

How To Become a Airline Pilot

You can get into this job through:

  • a university course
  • applying directly
  • a trainee scheme
  • specialist courses run by private training organisations

College / University

You could do a university degree in air transport or aviation, which includes commercial pilot training with an approved flight training organisation.

  • 2 to 3 A levels, or equivalent, for a degree
  • Apprenticeship

    Apprenticeship are not listed for this job.

    Routes into this Career

    Routes into this Career are not listed for this job.

    You may be able to apply directly to the Civil Aviation Authority's Military Accreditation Scheme to become a commercial pilot, if you have flying experience in the armed forces.

    Other Routes

    You can apply for a place on a pilot training programme with a passenger airline.

    You can also train with a private flying school to get your Commercial Pilot's Licence. Courses can take at least 18 months of full-time study. Part-time or modular courses will take longer. The Civil Aviation Authority has details of flight training schools.

    Skills And Knowledge

    You'll need:

    • leadership skills
    • excellent verbal communication skills
    • knowledge of maths
    • thinking and reasoning skills
    • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
    • the ability to operate and control equipment
    • observation and recording skills
    • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
    • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently

    Day To Day Tasks

    You will usually be one of two or more pilots who take turns fly or communicate with air traffic control and complete paperwork.

    On a typical day you will:

    • work out the best route using weather reports and information from air traffic control
    • create a flight plan including details of fuel needed and the height you'll need to fly
    • carry out pre-flight checks of instruments, engines, fuel and safety systems
    • brief the cabin crew
    • take instructions from air traffic control
    • follow procedures during take off and landing to cut down noise pollution
    • check data during the flight and adjust the route where necessary
    • tell passengers and crew about journey progress
    • write reports about in-flight issues

    Working Environment

    You could work on an aircraft.

    Your working environment may be cramped, physically demanding and you may spend nights away from home.

    You may need to wear a uniform.

    Career Path & Progression

    You'll start by training as a co-pilot. When you’ve completed at least 1500 flying hours, you can apply for an 'unfrozen' or full Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) and qualify as an airline captain. This will usually take 3 to 5 years after you get your full ATPL.

    With experience, you could become a flight training instructor or an operations manager.

    Volunteering Opportunities

    Volunteering Opportunities are not listed for this job.

    Tips & Information

    Career tips

    The Honourable Company of Air Pilots has a test for people with little or no flying experience. Pilot training is expensive and this could help you decide whether you're suited to this career before you spend money on training.

    English is the international language of flying, so airlines will expect you to have a good GCSE pass, or equivalent, in the subject. Skills in another language can also give you an advantage, for example if you want to work for an overseas airline. It may also help you to stand out from other applicants, as competition for jobs is strong.

    Further information

    You can find out more about training to become a pilot through Flying Start and the British Airline Pilots' Association.

    Restrictions & Requirements

    You'll need to:

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