Martial Arts Instructor

Martial arts instructors teach martial arts like karate, jujitsu and judo.

Typical Salary


Typical Hours

36 to 38 variable
freelance / self-employed managing your own hours

How To Become a Martial Arts Instructor

You can get into this job through:

  • a college course
  • an apprenticeship

College / University

To train as a martial arts instructor you can do a coaching qualification at college that's recognised by the National Governing Body (NGB) for your martial arts discipline.

  • instructor membership of your NGB
  • a minimum grade approved by your NGB
  • a recommendation from your association before attending an instructor award course


You could do an intermediate apprenticeship for a community activator coaching qualification to become an instructor.

Routes into this Career

Routes into this Career are not listed for this job.

Other Routes

Other Routes are not listed for this job.

Skills And Knowledge

You'll need:

  • knowledge of teaching and the ability to design courses
  • excellent verbal communication skills
  • the ability to teach pupils how to do something
  • customer service skills
  • leadership skills
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
  • the ability to work on your own
  • the ability to create the best conditions for learning or teaching new things
  • to be able to carry out basic tasks on a computer or hand-held device

Day To Day Tasks

In your day-to-day duties you may:

  • prepare lesson plans
  • demonstrate warm ups, skills training, and physical conditioning
  • coach students
  • develop individual training programmes
  • observe and assess students, and give them feedback
  • develop and practise your own skills
  • take responsibility for the health and safety of students
  • promote your classes

Working Environment

You could work in a creative studio or at a fitness centre.

Your working environment may be physically demanding.

You may need to wear a uniform.

Career Path & Progression

Career Path & Progression are not listed for this job.

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering Opportunities are not listed for this job.

Tips & Information

Career tips

You may need a children's instructor award before working with children. It can also help you if you have experience of teaching or coaching another sport, and a first aid certificate.

Further information

You can find out more about becoming a martial arts instructor from UK Coaching.

Restrictions & Requirements

You'll need to:

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