Funeral Director

Funeral directors make arrangements for burials and cremations, and provide support and advice for the bereaved.

Typical Salary

£16,000 To £30,000

Typical Hours

41 to 43 a week
evenings / weekends / bank holidays on shifts

How To Become a Funeral Director

You can get into this job through:

  • an apprenticeship
  • working your way up

College / University


You can start by taking an intermediate apprenticeship as a funeral team member.

  • some GCSEs, usually including English and maths, or equivalent, for an intermediate apprenticeship
  • 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), or equivalent, including English and maths, for an advanced apprenticeship
  • Routes into this Career

    You could start in a support role and get experience as you learn on the job. You would usually need a customer service background, and good IT and administration skills.

    You could take a Diploma in Funeral Arranging and Administration, or a Certificate in Funeral Service, while you work.

    As you take on more responsibilities, you could do the Diploma in Funeral Directing or the Diploma in Funeral Service.

    Other Routes

    Other Routes are not listed for this job.

    Skills And Knowledge

    You'll need:

    • customer service skills
    • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
    • the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure
    • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
    • sensitivity and understanding
    • the ability to work well with others
    • business management skills
    • knowledge of English language
    • to be able to carry out basic tasks on a computer or hand-held device

    Day To Day Tasks

    Your day-to-day duties could include:

    • taking details from relatives or friends of the deceased
    • arranging for transfer of the body to the place of rest before the funeral
    • meeting with relatives or friends to give advice and arrange details of the funeral
    • arranging the date and time of the funeral with the church, cemetery or crematorium
    • organising flowers, transport and death notices
    • advising on legal requirements and helping clients complete paperwork
    • preparing the body for burial or cremation
    • arranging visits to the place of rest
    • dealing with floral tributes and charitable donations
    • travelling in the hearse at the time of the funeral

    You'll also be:

    • making sure that everything runs smoothly during the ceremony
    • advising on types of memorials, like headstones

    Working Environment

    You could work at a funeral home, at a cemetery, in an office or at a client's home.

    Your working environment may be outdoors in all weathers.

    You may need to wear a uniform.

    Career Path & Progression

    With larger organisations, you could be promoted to branch, area or regional management.

    With experience and qualifications you could become a tutor and teach NAFD qualifications.

    Volunteering Opportunities

    Volunteering Opportunities are not listed for this job.

    Tips & Information

    Further information

    You can get more advice about training to work in the funeral service from the British Institute of Funeral Directors and the National Association of Funeral Directors.

    Restrictions & Requirements

    Restrictions & Requirements are not listed for this job.

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