Actuaries are the world’s financial architects and engineers. Their expertise is vital to the management of pension funds, general insurance companies and investment by financial institutions. On this course you’ll learn how to tackle the uncertainties of future events using mathematics, probability and statistics to create models and simulations. This degree will provide you with the technical skills needed for a career as an actuary.
Southampton is ranked 11th in the UK for Mathematics (Guardian University Guide 2021).
The course combines a programme of mathematics with key topics from economics, finance and actuarial science. You’ll investigate the applications of mathematics in a variety of contexts and use mathematical and statistical models.
As part of this course you’ll:
- Develop analytical and problem-solving skills, alongside expertise in the statistical analysis of risk
- Specialise in statistics and actuarial science
- Use our student centre, a dedicated learning and social space for maths students
- Use mathematical and computational packages such as Python and the statistics package R
You’ll be taught through a combination of lectures and workshops by leading researchers in statistical modelling and experts in actuarial and financial mathematics.
This degree is accredited by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA). You'll be eligible for 6 exemptions from the core principles:
* Actuarial Statistics (CS1 and CS2)
* Actuarial Mathematics (CM1 and CM2)
* Business Finance and Economics (CB1 and CB2)
This is the maximum number of IFoA actuarial exemptions available on any undergraduate programme, reducing the average time taken to qualify as an actuary after your degree.
Upon graduation you’ll be well equipped to begin an actuarial career with advanced professional standing, or to follow many other careers that require high-level quantitative skills, including those within the wider financial services industry.
Course Details - Modules
In year one you’ll receive a thorough grounding in algebra, analysis and probability and statistics, as well as micro and macro-economics. In your second year you will explore actuarial science in more depth. The final year includes a group project and an individual project. Optional modules are available in the second and third years.
Course Details – Assessment Method
You will be assessed in a variety of ways such as coursework, tests and exams, enabling you to demonstrate your strengths and show what you have learnt.
Course Details – Professional Bodies
Professional Bodies are not listed for this Course.
How to Apply
26 January This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.
Application Codes
Course code:
Institution code:
Campus Name:
Main Site - Highfield Campus
Campus code:
Points of Entry
The following entry points are available for this course:
Year 1
Entry Requirements for Advanced Entry (Year 2 and Beyond)
Entry Requirements for Advanced Entry are not listed for this Course.
International applicants
Standard Qualification Requirements
English Language proficiency for international students: All programmes at the University of Southampton are taught and assessed in the medium of English (other than those in modern foreign languages). Therefore, all applicants must demonstrate they possess at least a minimum standard of English language proficiency. For more information on the University of Southampton’s English Language entry requirements, please see the English Language Proficiency webpage at
AQA Tech Levels: The University accepts the new AQA Tech Level qualification, which must be offered in combination with at least one A Level. For degrees in Engineering, Computing and related subjects, the A Level must be in Mathematics and the units M1 and M2 must be taken.
We welcome applicants with other qualifications eg. European Baccalaureate, Foundation Programmes. You will be expected to attain an equivalent standard to the A level applicant.
For more details on the suitability of your qualifications or foundation programme please contact the Admissions Team at
Please click the following link to find out more about qualification requirements for this course